Pick your favorite Monthly Club!

Rotary Valpo works with www.amazingclubs.com and www.Eventbrite.com to raffle off chances to win a club. Buy one ticket at $50 to win a great value of near $700!

No need to be present for the drawing on May 20th, 2024, 1:00-1:30PM at the Valparaiso University Harre Union Second Floor.

Tickets are $50 and will fund our Charitable Grant Committee delivering all proceeds to all charities they select. Available on Eventbrite and in person with cash or check with select Rotarians.

Each club will only sell 100 tickets, so you have a 1-100 chance to win! Maybe buy more chances?

Look to gift the club to your Mom or other family members if you win or keep for yourself.

Click the following pictures for each club.

We have chosen the most popular Flower, Beer, Wine, and Dessert of the Month Clubs!

More information by clicking the pictures. We only need an Email from the winner or Recipient after the drawing. If you win, we will find you to ensure your wishes are granted.

We promise it will go to great causes throughout our community.

Good luck, and thank you for your donation!


Flowers for Mom or Wife or Girlfriend or Mrs. RIght now?


Beers every month from around the Nation! SAnta delivers every month! Cheers!

Does a grape say anything when it is squeezed? Nah, but it does let out a little wine:)

Because who wouldn’t want some sweetness in their life every month?